A Fountain of Wisdom Ministries Church
Welcome to Harvestime Church -
Surrey, UK
Harvestime Church is a Fountain of Wisdom Ministries church based in Surrey UK. Led by founders Rev. Kola and Rev. Mrs Funke Ewuosho.
We’re a Bible-believing church family. Our work grows through the support of our members in prayers, giving, and service.
We meet every Sunday @ 10:30am, and host Bible studies on Wednesdays @ 7pm.
Our Mission:
Across the FOWM family, we are on a mission:
to save the lost; to church the 'un-churched'; and to get believers established in the knowledge of God's word!

Our Vision:
In the late 1980s, God gave a young Kola Ewuosho this vision: ``Go create a forum where my people can flow with me in wisdom and understanding.``
Over 35 years later, our vision and mission are still both strongly led by Revs. Kola and Funke Ewuosho, partners in marriage and ministry, as they oversee the Fountain of Wisdom Ministries (FOWM) global church-group across Africa and here in the UK. Many around the world speak of the life-changing books and messages that come from this ministry, and the global family of believers united by a passion for the knowledge of Christ.
You are welcome!
What's On?

Contact Us
We’d love to hear from you
As always, a member of the team is on hand to take calls and manage the office inbox:
Monday to Friday, 9.00am-5.30pm
Tel: 01344 843341
Email: office@uk.fowm.org